A heat pump in every home

Photo courtesy CBC article.


By Chris Hatch

You probably know the rap already — heat pumps are the key to sustainable heating, both in buildings and for a lot of industries. And you probably know they’re as close to magic as things get in the climate world — they aren’t just “heat” pumps but air conditioners as well. And they’re outlandishly, even perplexingly, efficient. More than 100 per cent efficient. We get more energy out than we put in, with models running at 300 per cent, 400 per cent and even higher efficiencies.

If there’s a silver lining to the recent fracas over the carbon tax and heating oil, it’s that a lot of people beyond our orbit are now hearing about heat pumps. Ever more neurons firing and wiring, strengthening the synaptic connections between fossil fuels, climate change and electrification.



One green glimmer


Golden age of gas. C’est fini