
I-SEA works with a number of organizations to help further our mission.

Sitka Foundation

We’re pleased to support the Future Ecologies Podcast with the help of the Sitka Foundation. The Foundation is also generously supporting the National Youth Climate Activism Award this year- we are SO grateful!

The Sitka Foundation is a private Canadian family foundation. Founded by Ross and Trisha Beaty in 2008, it has evolved in size and scope since inception. It began by supporting organizations close to their hearts and communities here in the Pacific Northwest, but have since become active both nationally and globally.

Take a Stand Youth for Conservation

Take a Stand (TAS) and I-SEA have formed a partnership to collaborate on courageous youth climate action. The aim of TAS is to inspire, motivate and empower youth to protect and conserve the environment through art, film, and youth-driven actions. Youth represent honest and powerful voices for social change in their communities and are important advocates for better protection of plants, animals, and the natural communities they call home.

The TAS-I-SEA collaboration is already underway with our joint support of Arian Tomar’s Youth Climate Mentorship Program and with the reciprocal prize sponsorship of our organizations’ two youth contests – the Student Innovation Challenge Contest and the Youth Climate Activism Award.


Transition Salt Spring

Transition Salt Spring empowers Salt Spring Islanders to build a thriving community, resilient to climate change. To get there let’s eat locally, waste less, free up our energy systems, and get from place to place with a lower carbon footprint.


Ricochet Media

Ricochet is the product of collaboration between anglophones and francophones in a plurinational Canada, informed by an understanding of our colonial histories and supportive of contemporary Indigenous struggles. Bringing together English and French, Ricochet is composed of two distinct editions, run by independent editorial teams and structured as nonprofit organizations.


Canada's National Observer

Canada's National Observer publishes investigative reporting, in-depth analysis, solutions journalism, multi-media features, opinion and daily news coverage. We pursue stories that seek to identify and explore problems in society. We also cover success and innovation to ensure that decision makers and members of the public are empowered to make informed choices. We have a special focus on how governments and industry make decisions as well as the factors that influence their policies.


Climate Access

Climate Access is a “network of networks” that provides climate communications practitioners with access to the necessary tools, knowledge and people to increase public support for action on climate. As a bridge between research and action, ClimateAccess fosters collaboration and facilitates peer-to-peer exchanges of information on climate communications, public engagement and behaviour change.

suzuki elders logo of an owl perched on a branch with a blue background

Suzuki Elders

The Suzuki Elders are a voluntary association of self-identified elders working with and through the David Suzuki Foundation. We bring our voices, experiences and memories to mentor, motivate and support other elders and younger generations in dialogue and action on environmental issues. Suzuki Elders listen, learn, share and act through educating, communicating connecting and advocacy.