Youth Climate Action

Peter Allan Peter Allan

Jude Sampson finds climate resilience in community-building

Jude Sampson finds resilience in community.

In high school, Sampson co-led the organizing of 10,000 people in the 2019 Fridays for Future Halifax climate strikes. This 20-year-old is now encouraging their university, Dalhousie, to divest from fossil fuels.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

Dara Karakolis believes we can feed the world

This 25-year-old and her young colleagues at Act4Food Act4Change have organized more than 160,000 people from over 100 countries to call on decision-makers to change our food systems so people are put first.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

Think of Samanta Jovanovic as a clean-tech matchmaker

As executive director of Start Alberta, this 34-year-old Calgarian helps entrepreneurs and investors find each other.

This piece is part of a series of profiles highlighting young people across the country who are addressing the climate crisis. These extraordinary humans give me hope. I write these stories to pay it forward.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

Listen and learn. Michael Bartz builds a life on his climate values

This 34-year-old Albertan decided to cut his carbon footprint, so he built his own off-grid tiny home, trades living on farmland for rent and keeps his consumer goods minimal. But getting to carbon zero is hard. Determined to keep learning, he set up In Over My Head podcast, now in its fifth season, so we can all benefit from his journey.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

Climate activists looking for help, meet Mackenzie Harris

As the librarian and knowledge translator for the Climate Justice Organizing Hub (Le Hub), this 25-year-old is supporting a richly resourced community of practice for grassroots climate activists across the country.

This piece is part of a series of profiles highlighting young people across the country who are addressing the climate crisis. These extraordinary humans give me hope. I write these stories to pay it forward.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

Meredith Adler taps into student energy

This 33-year-old is executive director of Student Energy, which has already supported over 15,000 young people in Canada and 50,000 students in 120 countries to accelerate the fight against climate change.

This piece is part of a series of profiles highlighting young people across the country who are addressing the climate crisis. These extraordinary humans give me hope. I write these stories to pay it forward.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

Ben Simoni helps steer the way for the Youth Climate Corps

As the executive director of the Youth Climate Corps, this 32-year-old provides young people with living-wage jobs that include training, certifications, networks and future employment opportunities while implementing local solutions to the climate crisis.

This piece is part of a series of profiles highlighting young people across the country who are addressing the climate crisis. These extraordinary humans give me hope. I write these stories to pay it forward.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

How do you turn seaweed into plastic? Ranah Chavoshi will tell you

This 29-year-old Simon Fraser University master’s student in biological sciences won first place in the 2021 Greater Vancouver YMCA Youth Mean Business Pitch Competition for this concept and is the 2022 winner of her department’s teaching award. As a 2021 Radius Fellow, she participated in a program to develop solutions for local communities.

This piece is part of a series of profiles highlighting young people across the country who are addressing the climate crisis. These extraordinary humans give me hope. I write these stories to pay it forward.

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