Think of Samanta Jovanovic as a clean-tech matchmaker

Samanta Jovanovic, clean-tech matchmaker walks along ocean cliff.

By Patricia Lane

Samanta Jovanovic is a climate change matchmaker. 

As executive director of Start Alberta, this 34-year-old Calgarian helps entrepreneurs and investors find each other. 

This piece is part of a series of profiles highlighting young people across the country who are addressing the climate crisis. These extraordinary humans give me hope. I write these stories to pay it forward.

Tell us about your work.

Start Alberta is a not-for-profit supported by private and public funding. It has a comprehensive database on startups and funding. We show when new enterprises get funding so the world can see the growth, dynamism and health of the sector. Investors see who is ripe for the next funding tranche and entrepreneurs gain confidence that they can get the lift they need. With information from other networks, momentum becomes transparent. I talk with investors looking to invest and help them find a match. I work with ambitious and often young entrepreneurs to help them understand what is needed to attract capital.



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