
The Dandelion Resistance Project

Luke Wallace’s songs and stories inspire love and hope for the environment. His latest project aims to support the intersectional movement of grassroots communities pushing for real ecological action. The project is named after his song, ‘Dandelion Resistance.’ Like sunny faces shining in dark spaces, ordinary dandelions resist being obliterated by the spreading pavements of our consumer culture. They poke through cracks and remind us of Nature’s resilience.

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Jellyfish Project

The Jellyfish Project is a unique and powerful educational and movement-building organization. Through their School Presentation and From The Stage programs, they educate audiences on environmental realities, providing solutions, learning resources and opportunities to engage. They have presented to over 100,000 students! I-SEA has been supporting the Jellyfish Project for over 7 years.

For more information, click here.

Expansion of

Climate Access is a nonprofit organization building support for climate solutions through a learning network, piloting innovative engagement projects, and providing strategic consulting services. is an online communications system designed to help distill the mountain of climate science into useful materials to help those on the front-line. With I-SEA's help, their impact has grown to over 3,000 climate communicators, globally. 

For more information on the project, click here.

Public Benefit Journalism Project

We proudly support investigative journalism in order to provide critical information about efforts by government, business, and individuals to improve sustainability, resilience and the economy in the face of changes to society, climate and the environment.

Click here to read the Investigative Reports.


Salt Spring Island Charette on Climate Change

The future of Ganges and Fulford villages was the theme for Salt Spring Island’s first design ‘charrette’, an intensive workshop that brought together three teams of design professionals, including a core group of local architects, designers, planners, builders, and artists, and a support group of specialists and knowledgeable residents.  Their design challenge was to enhance and illustrate the current plans and policies for the island's villages in a time of climate change.

The resulting document and plans helped the community think out-side the box when considering how the villages should have been constructed, or might be in the future, as the impacts of climate change intensify. 

salt spring island green drinks logo

Creation of Salt Spring Island Green Drinks

In 2007, I-SEA started the Salt Spring Green Drinks events. These events, to this day, run monthly or bi-monthly and bring together local eco-oriented, caring citizens to discuss the projects they are working on, their challenges and successes. Now organized by Transition Salt Spring (of which I-SEA is a founding member), Green Drinks is held the fourth Thursday of the month. For an updated event schedule please check here.


Sustainability Business Management Certificate Program

With the assistance of Dr. Mark Starik, I-SEA put together a Sustainability Business Management Certificate, a mini green MBA.  Leaders from local organizations participated in these weekend workshops. Students also had to complete a project to earn the certificate. The course goal was to increase the quality and quantity of sustainability-related information among students so that they would be prepared to make better-informed decisions about the overall concept and practice of sustainability, sustainable MBA programs, and the multiple connections between business & sustainability.

Topics covered included;

  • Strategic Environmental Management (SEM)

  • ISO 14001 Environ. Mgmt. Systems (EMS)

  • Community-Based Social Marketing (CBSM)

  • The Natural Step (TNS)

  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

  • B.A Suggested Model/Tool to Design A Policy

  • V2V Sustainability Profile Self-Assessment


Eco-Mentoring Fellowship – Sustainability Workshop for Grades 10-12

 The I-SEA Sustainability Fellowship program was designed to expose high school students to various issues involving sustainability and the natural environment. I-SEA mentors and students discussed how to best address these challenges and then demonstrated their ability to comprehend the concepts through discussion and projects.