Special Reports from COP 26

Peter Allan Peter Allan

The thin green line — where disinformation meets greenwashing

In early February, as millions of Canadians were struggling to stay warm and keep their water pipes from bursting amid a brutal polar vortex, Pierre Poilievre's Twitter account was chirping. In a series of tweets that received close to 500,000 views, the Conservative leader laid the blame for higher heating costs on the federal government's fuel charge, or so-called "carbon tax."

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

Young people like Greta Thunberg will ensure climate activism is here to stay

A youth-focused climate strike march and rally drew at least 25,000 people to the streets of Glasgow on Nov. 5. Hundreds of events in other cities were also held that day. Fridays for Future states the strikes occurred in 81 countries, spread across 379 cities and involved more than 270,000 participants. Greta Thunberg, who is now 18 and arguably the highest-profile climate activist in the world, “headlined” the Glasgow event.

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