Advocating for climate-friendly jobs for youth

Abbey Piazza bowling with Youth Climate Corps co-workers and volunteers to celebrate the team’s new climate careers. Photo submitted by Abbey Piazza


By Patricia Lane & Abbey Piazza

Abbey Piazza understands the future. This 29-year-old knows that the climate crisis needs everyone, and everyone who works on climate change will carry eco-anxiety and grief for the rest of their lives. Her passion is to help them become more resilient. As senior organizer with the British Columbia Youth Climate Corps ‘Jobs for Everyone’ campaign, Abbey is advocating for climate-friendly jobs for every young person in B.C. As founder of Piazza Rosa, she helps activists learn the science of stress and facilitates relationship-building, so participants can surround themselves with communities of engagement.

Tell us about your project.

At the Youth Climate Corps BC (YCCBC), I lead a team of youth who are passionate about playing a meaningful role in the climate crisis. They build relationships with government decision-makers, not-for-profits and other potential stakeholders, like building trade apprenticeship programs, to find out how we can best grow a Youth Climate Corps to employ more youth in B.C. Through this process my team learns real skills like government relations, public outreach, networking, and public speaking. YCCBC builds support for its programs. Everyone wins.

Many youth come to us with acute climate anxiety. Action absorbs anxiety, especially if it is done in community. We help them, not only to find a part to play, but also to realize they must pace themselves. They are likely to be involved for the rest of their lives and their long-term wellbeing is crucial to success.




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