Lisa Akinyi May uses facts to make the world a fairer place

By Patricia Lane

These in-their-own-words pieces are told to Patricia Lane and co-edited with input from the interviewee for the purpose of brevity. In honour of Black History Month, today we highlight the climate justice work of Jacqueline L. Scott.

Lisa Akinyi May translates research into action.

As the new associate director of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives’ B.C. office, this 34-year-old leads the organization’s communications and public engagement and is a member of the management team.

Tell us about your work at CCPA-BC.

CCPA-BC is a team of over 50 staff and volunteer researchers shedding light on the key challenges facing our province — the high rate of poverty, economic insecurity, the extreme concentration of wealth, and threats to our environment and climate.



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It’s only natural Jacqueline L. Scott would be out there removing barriers