Farming Rage

By Chris Hatch

This week, Pierre Poilievre was exposed courting the angry misogynists of the incel movement. A few weeks ago, he was seeding fear to harvest anger among farmers.

You’ve probably seen some of the disinformation — howls of outrage about a purported new climate mandate on fertilizer use, an impending “attack on farmers.” If the algorithms have you pegged a certain way, you’ll have seen a whole lot of it — federal “fertilizer cuts” that will drive food prices up, farmers into ruin and leave us all eating bugs.

It’s a classic disinformation playbook. Industry plants a sky-is-falling report, which is laundered through the echo chamber of Postmedia outlets and amplified by pro-fossil fuel outfits like Canada Proud and Oil Sands Action. Poilievre and conservative premiers jump in, promoting the claims and harvesting the crop of outrage, donations and data.



Vladimir Putin, green accelerant


Cropped out. Fighting back.