Toxins in Canada
Did you know baby poo is loaded with microplastics?
Whenever a plastic bag or bottle degrades, it breaks into ever smaller pieces that work their way into nooks in the environment.
Farm documentary was part of pesticide PR strategy
The documentary opens onto beautiful blue skies, fields of wheat and a house on a farm in Saskatchewan, as country music plays in the background.
The Englots, a family growing wheat, soybeans and canola, discuss their day over morning coffee. Loretta, the mom will tend to her horse and the dogs, while dad Norman and son Luc will scout the field to check for weeds.
Fired Quebec scientist blew the whistle on pesticide lobby influence
In May 2009, Quebec government scientist Louis Robert was 15 minutes away from entering a conference room to give a lecture about phosphorus when he got a phone call from his boss ordering him to call it off.