Zero Carbon

With Chris Hatch

Peter Allan Peter Allan

Jasper and the great sadness

The sadness for Jasper is twinned with foreboding. Fires will keep getting worse until we eliminate climate pollution. The laws of physics are unmoved by the excuses of lobbyists and lawmakers.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

Zooming off to jail for climate activism

Sentences for environmental activists set a new record for non-violent protest in the U.K, surpassing the three-year sentence given to another Just Stop Oil protestor who scaled the Queen Elizabeth II bridge over the Thames estuary.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

How the light gets in

If you were expecting a breakthrough of global sanity from climate talks led by an oilman in Dubai, you’re probably new around these pixels.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

2 days above 2 degrees

The Earth flicked briefly into the terrible twos this month. After crossing the symbolic threshold of 1.5 C through September, the global thermometer spiked above the totemic 2 C for two days in November.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

One green glimmer

This year’s UN climate confab is scheduled to be a “global stocktake” and it will surprise absolutely no one that action remains “woefully inadequate.” Global efforts “are failing across the board,” according to a group of the most spreadsheet-savvy folks in the field.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

A heat pump in every home

You probably know the rap already — heat pumps are the key to sustainable heating, both in buildings and for a lot of industries. And you probably know they’re as close to magic as things get in the climate world — they aren’t just “heat” pumps but air conditioners as well.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

Golden age of gas. C’est fini

Montreal just took a stand against methane gas. The city is banning gas hookups for most new buildings (three storeys or less) starting next October and for larger buildings as of April 2025.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

Stressed about climate change? Take a hike

Is your anxiety spiking along with the temperatures, fires and floods this summer? (I’m asking for a friend.) If we’re going to stay functional amid spiralling climate impacts, it seems like an important time to look at proven strategies to counter climate anxiety. So, like more and more people are doing lately, I called the doctor.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

Banking into the abyss

Two big news items this week about the great pumps that drive our world. RBC emerged as the planet’s pre-eminent pump for the lifeblood of fossil fuels. And that torrent of money is overwhelming the great oceanic circulatory system vital to our living Earth.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

Coping through climate change

Sometimes numbers just knife you in the gut — 78 per cent of young Canadians report that climate change is impacting their mental health.

Small wonder, since half of them (48 per cent) say humanity is doomed. Those are just a couple of findings from new research out of Lakehead University surveying Canadians aged 16 to 25.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

Whose call to shade the Earth?

It would be a grim day if your consultation with a team of the world’s top oncologists ended with advice that you give serious thought to some untested treatments. It happened to us twice this week.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

Melting ice and cold hard cash

“The continental shelf, an area the size of Germany, is now completely ice-free. It is troubling to consider how quickly this change has taken place.”

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

Visions of fusion danced in our heads

Great news, everyone! No need to fret about the accelerating onslaught of climate impacts or our fossilized politics, salvation is at hand — fusion is coming.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

Bullying COP, buying the World Cup

It’s just a short flight from Egypt to Qatar — very convenient for the legions of lobbyists flooding COP27 as they hop across the Arabian Peninsula to collect their next trophy, the World Cup of soccer.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

Vladimir Putin, green accelerant

Vladimir Putin has made all kinds of catastrophic miscalculations invading Ukraine. He certainly didn’t expect that weaponizing energy would backfire, accelerating the transition off fossil fuels, but it’s happening.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

Farming Rage

This week, Pierre Poilievre was exposed courting the angry misogynists of the incel movement. A few weeks ago, he was seeding fear to harvest anger among farmers.

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Peter Allan Peter Allan

Cropped out. Fighting back.

Vanessa Nakate may be the world’s most famous African climate activist but if you know her name, it’s probably because of her absence.

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